ANNOUNCEMENT 11 Jan 2017­ by Kyle Johnson

Halo Wars 2 Sees PC Physical Release Soon

Quite possibly the first arrangement of its kind for a Xbox/Windows 10 cross-play title, THQ and 343 are bringing copies of Halo Wars 2 to stores near you for Windows 10. This agreement allows for both the Standard and the Ultimate Edition to come to PC, the latter of which sees a remastered Halo Wars come…
ANNOUNCEMENT 17 Dec 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Forza Horizon 3 Heads for the Mountains

The Frozen Mountain, that is. The first major expansion came to Turn 10’s Australia-based driving game on December 13th for both Windows 10 and the Xbox One, and it brings new environments, cars, and more to Forza Horizon 3. Some of these new cars coming to Forza Horizon 3 include the 2016 Ford Focus RS RX,…
ANNOUNCEMENT 07 Dec 2016­ by Max Halcomb

Gears of War 4 First Major Patch Available to Download

Good news for all you Cogsplayers (see what I did there?), Gears of War 4 has just received its first large content update. Since its release on October 11, the fourth entry in the Gears of War series has been met with high review scores and user reviews alike. Although being stuck as an exclusive Windows 10…
ANNOUNCEMENT 02 Dec 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

GoW 4 Update Testing Cross-Platform Play This Weekend

The Coalition may have initially opened up 'Crossplay Versus' to private matches only in Gears of War 4, but starting today, PC and Xbox One players will have the chance to get matched up against one another in a special cross-platform competitive playlist. The Coalition is making no promises that players will definitely play against…
REVIEWS 08 Nov 2016­ by L Coulsen

Quantum Break

Remedy and I have an interesting relationship. On the one hand, their concepts are always rather intriguing, promising a great deal of potential for narratives and themes that I can really throw myself behind. With games created by a team that clearly have some genuine talent, with gloriously pretentious tastes that really tickle the self-indulgent…
ANNOUNCEMENT 20 Oct 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Halo Wars 2: Not Your Granddad’s RTS

Who needs old-man games like Age of Empires 2 and Rise of Nations, where you’d spend plenty of time trying to build a massive fortress to defend against the marauding hordes of enemy units, and feel a satisfying crush of victory? Sure, Halo Wars 2 has those traditional base-building, resource-collecting, and unit-smashing game modes, but…
ANNOUNCEMENT 29 Sep 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Get a History Lesson With the First 20 Minutes of GoW 4

Serving as one part prologue, another part story refresher, and just a dash of tutorial, the prologue for Gears of War 4 takes place across three separate missions to properly ease you into the Gears Universe. For those that didn’t take part in the loud, beefy cover-based shooter that dominated the Xbox 360’s lifespan, The…
ANNOUNCEMENT 29 Sep 2016­ by David Pink

Quantum Break Hits the Streets

THQ Nordic are happy to announce the release of Quantum Break’s Timeless Collector’s Edition, hitting shelves today and ready to go for all those avid box set lovers out there. This special edition Quantum Break is available thanks to the partnership between Microsoft Studios and Remedy Entertainment. Being retailed at a nicely priced $39.99 USD…
ANNOUNCEMENT 20 Sep 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Feast Your Eyes on Forza Horizon 3’s Launch Trailer

Never more in my life have I wanted to call it a “lunch trailer,” regardless, Forza Horizon 3 is looking set to tear up the roadways in Australia and beyond, launching this week. Already garnering several perfect scores and many more rave reviews, the trailer showcases the variety of environments and many of the 350…
ANNOUNCEMENT 20 Sep 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Gears of War 4 Features Couch Co-Op

Coming as one of the more heralded titles in terms of Microsoft’s “Play Anywhere” series, Gears of War 4 developer The Coalition revealed last week that the game’s campaign would ship with local split-screen co-op play. This also comes on the news that the game’s campaign, Horde mode, private multiplayer matches and versus AI games…
GAME PROFILE 20 Sep 2016 by

Forza Horizon 3

Check out this game profile to learn more.
ANNOUNCEMENT 10 Sep 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Halo 5: Forge Ready For Grabbing

Halo 5: Forge is now out for PC but with some caveats. Those caveats being a need for Windows 10 Anniversary Edition, a DirectX 12 capable card, some sort of Microsoft Store account, and the actual availability of the product. But if you’ve fulfilled all those requirements, a fully functional version of Halo 5’s Forge…
ANNOUNCEMENT 06 Sep 2016­ by L Coulsen

ReCore ReLease TrAiler

With just a tad shy of a week to go, Microsoft have given us a brief look at the kind of game ReCore has developed into. Showing a clear emphasis on platforming, especially via combined use of a grapple gun and the dog type robot companion. The latter running along vertical surfaces with you bobbing…
ANNOUNCEMENT 03 Sep 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

Gears of War 4’s Horde 3.0

Gears of War 2 brought the wave based co-op mode into the limelight. Since its introduction back in 2008 a lot of games quickly followed suit, but very few made it as renowned and enjoyable as GoW 2 did. Almost 10 years later, we now have Horde 3.0, Gears of War 4’s tricked out version…