Free to Play Call of Duty: Warzone Releasing Today

Here's a story that developed so fast we almost missed it: After numerous leaks and attempts at stemming the tide of leaks, Activision has finally officially announced Call of Duty: Warzone. This new free to play entry in the Call of Duty series will focus on two modes of Battle Royale style gameplay; the standard…
GAME PROFILE 10 Mar 2020 by Jay

Call of Duty: Warzone

Check out this game profile to learn more.

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare – Story Trailer and Behind Th…

Only a month until this year's Call Of Duty is upon us, unless you're already playing the beta. Check out the new story trailer above, or follow this link for the behind the scenes video of Infinity Ward staff talking about crafting the story. Modern Warfare releases on 25 October 2019.

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare – Reveal Trailer

It's that time of year again, when Activision and their rotating cast of developers roll out the latest tacticool laden Call Of Duty, this time subtitled Modern Warfare just to make things extra confusing. While information's pretty light on the ground so far, we know it's NOT a remake and it will feature fan favourite…
GAME PROFILE 31 May 2019 by Jay

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare

Check out this game profile to learn more.

Infinite Warfare Absolution DLC Details

Infinity War and Activision's critically acclaimed futuristic multiplayer FPS, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, will be releasing its third DLC map pack... with a catch. The Absolution DLC brings with it four new diverse multiplayer maps and the exciting new Zombies co-op experience set in the 1950s titled, "Attack of the Radioactive Thing!". Oh, remember…
ANNOUNCEMENT 25 Apr 2017­ by Kyle Johnson

Infinite Warfare’s Continuum DLC Doubles Down on the Absur…

The second map pack for Infinite Warfare brings, yes...more zombies, but also three new maps and a remake of Modern Warfare 2’s Rust map. Far removed from the oil derrick of the Middle East, Rust is now Excess, a luxurious penthouse with the same tight lanes and close-quarters combat of the original. The first new map…
ANNOUNCEMENT 06 Apr 2017­ by Kyle Johnson

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare’s Second DLC Strikes Shaoli…

Titled “Continuum,” the second DLC for Infinite Warfare sees four new multiplayer maps and a trip to New York for the latest installment in the Zombies campaign. The Zombies campaign, titled “Shaolin Shuffle,” transports the four heroes of earlier stories to a 1970s-era New York, when bell-bottoms and disco balls ruled the dance halls across…
NEWS 17 Mar 2017­ by David Pink

This Week, in Call of Duty…

A couple of updates for Infinite Warfare and Modern Warfare Remastered, plus more hoopla surrounding MWR itself round out this week’s news for Call of Duty. Starting with a seasonal event for Modern Warfare Remastered, the “Shamrock and Awe” event brings free supply drops, weapon skins, an updated map, and a chance to earn a new…
ANNOUNCEMENT 03 Mar 2017­ by Kyle Johnson

Infinite Warfare’s First DLC Sabotage Now on All Platf…

Finally making its way over to other platforms a month after release on Play Station 4, Infinite Warfare’s Sabotage DLC pack is now released. Adding in four new maps, one of which is a remake of Modern Warfare 2’s Afghan, plus a continuation of the crazy zombies storyline started off in the base game’s release.…
REVIEWS 28 Feb 2017­ by Kyle Johnson

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Legacy Edition)

There’s an awful lot of Call of Duty out right now, what with Infinity Ward offering up a remastered version of their runaway success in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, and with a more modern take on the series, Infinite Warfare. There’s also a take on the Zombies formula, typically Treyarch’s domain, and plenty more…
NEWS 31 Jan 2017­ by Kyle Johnson

Infinite Warfare’s Sabotage DLC Now on PS4, PC Coming Soon

The first DLC pack, Sabotage, for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare has arrived today on PS4, with the release on PC and the Xbox One to come in 30 days. Bringing three new maps to the table, plus a reimagining of Modern Warfare 2’s “Afghan” map, the update comes just a couple of weeks on…
ANNOUNCEMENT 26 Jan 2017­ by Kyle Johnson

Infinite Warfare Raves in the Redwoods

The first DLC, Sabotage, for Infinite Warfare, as I discussed earlier, comes with four new maps, and a new Zombies experience. With just a few days away from the release of Sabotage on the PlayStation 4, Infinity Ward has released an entirely self-aware trailer for the newest iteration of Zombies, taking us to the Californian highlands…
ANNOUNCEMENT 18 Jan 2017­ by Simon Sirmenis

Infinite Warfare Get’s VAC’ed

A week after the consoles, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare also got a new patch for our beloved platform – the PC.  Besides the usual bug fixes and rebalancing, arguably the most important thing here is the VAC, Valve’s anti-cheat system, implementation. Call of Duty isn’t stranger to cheating and Infinite Warfare was getting increasingly…