NEWS 26 Sep 2017­ by Kyle Johnson

This is a Star Wars Battlefront 2 Trailer

The latest trailer for Star Wars Battlefront II features the narration talents of one John Boyega (Finn in The Force Awakens), and a pretty good-looking demo reel as eye candy. With an early section of the trailer devoted to enumerating the improvements over the first Battlefront, it's clear that DICE and EA are well aware…
NEWS 20 Sep 2017­ by Kyle Johnson

Battlefield 1 Heads Eastward with the In The Name of the Tsa…

Packing six new maps, 11 new guns and more variants, three new vehicles, plus a host of changes that migrated from Battlefield 4, the latest expansion for DICE's Battlefield 1 engages the deadlier Eastern front with In The Name of the Tsar. Touted as the “biggest Battlefield expansion yet,” there's quite a bit to unpack,…
NEWS 21 Aug 2017­ by Jay Shaw

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Starfighter Assault Trailer Breakdow…

Lets begin by all generously pointing and laughing at the “gameplay” trailer like it's the unpopular kid with its pants down. There's less gameplay in that minute and a half than my right nut but the trailer is marked as in-engine footage so there may be some hints as to what we might expect in…
NEWS 15 Aug 2017­ by Kyle Johnson

Here’s Your First Look at Battlefront 2’s Classe…

No, not Pandemic's Battlefront 2. The new one, developed by DICE and published by EA, slated to come out later this year. After a strong showing at E3, recognizing that they had made quite a few missteps in everything from progression to the game itself, Battlefront 2 seems to march ever onward towards its fall…
NEWS 12 Aug 2017­ by Kyle Johnson

Battlefield 1 May Get Specializations In the Future

Marking a return of a system from Battlefield 4, developers at DICE have announced that specializations, a metagame that awards specific perks for one match only, will return sometime in the future to Battlefield 1. Though radically different in its implementation from Battlefield 4's execution, DICE is still promising that specializations will bring “more opportunities…
REVIEWS 10 Aug 2017­ by L Coulsen

Mass Effect: Andromeda

BioWare have quite the history in the gaming world, producing, some of the best respected games in the western ARPG genre. Even after their purchase by EA, despite what some may have told you. Though, it’s hard to deny that their overall quality has been slowly, steadily, declining since their heydey, leaving us here, at…
NEWS 18 Jul 2017­ by L Coulsen

What’s the Deal With American McGee’s Alice?

A question that many a person has asked is, what's happening with the American McGee's Alice franchise? After Madness Returns ended on a suggestive note, but no sequel materialized, McGee has found himself bombarded with inquiries regarding a further outing, much to his chagrin. To that end, he posted a rather snarky blog post a…
NEWS 30 Jun 2017­ by Kyle Johnson

It’s All Fun and Wargames in Titanfall 2

The latest free DLC for Titanfall 2 adds in new maps, updates loadouts, and brings changes to game-mode playlists. “The War Games” DLC sees the return of the eponymous map from Titanfall, with tight, interconnected passageways near the center of the map for pilot duels, while the map spreads out on the edges, making for…
NEWS 11 Jun 2017­ by Kyle Johnson

E3: EA Conference 2017

There's a glorious time of year, every June, when the collective gaming press descends upon Los Angeles. A time for discovery, where the latest and greatest in the world of gaming will be picked apart, from exciting announcements to amazing reveals... most of the time. Right, let's get into it, shall we? Anthem The first…
GAME PROFILE 11 Jun 2017 by David

A Way Out

Check out this game profile to learn more.

Need For Speed Payback Revealed

Electronic Art's edge of your seat driving series is back once again in a hit new explosive action blockbuster title, Need For Speed Payback. Ghost Games and EA are pleased to announce the next game in the critically acclaimed series will be hitting worldwide audiences this November 10th. For those interested,  details regarding the Deluxe…
GAME PROFILE 02 Jun 2017 by David

Need For Speed Payback

Check out this game profile to learn more.
NEWS 26 May 2017­ by Kyle Johnson

The Monarch Reigns Over Titanfall 2

The latest free update for Titanfall 2 is titled 'Monarch Reigns', and it's coming this Tuesday. The newest update brings the first new Titan to Titanfall 2 since release last fall, a remastered map, two new Prime Titans, a new execution, and new cosmetics available for purchase. The big news about the new Titan, Monarch,…
NEWS 08 May 2017­ by Kyle Johnson

Battlefield 1 Spring Update Brings Platoons

The latest monthly update brings platoons, new gun variants, and some news about upcoming maps to Battlefield 1. First and foremost, the addition of Platoons, a social way to represent a group of friends in-game has made its way to the battlefields of World War 1, bringing with it some new features. Now, if a…