NEWS 15 Feb 2018­ by Jay Shaw

THQ Nordic Acquires Koch Media

Big big news on the publisher front here, as the title says, THQ Nordic have acquired Koch Media for $149 million. If you've never heard of the latter then perhaps referring to them as Deep Silver. That's right, growing industry giant THQ Nordic continues to grow and assimilate all in its path like some kind…

DAKAR 18 Announcement

The Dakar Rally is a huge cross country rally event that now takes place in South America but gets its name from the original destination – Dakar, Senegal. Deep Silver and Bigmoon Entertainment are aiming to make “the finest representation of real life DAKAR in a video game” which is an exciting prospect considering the…
GAME PROFILE 13 Jan 2018 by Jay


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Metro Exodus New Trailer and Release Window

Not an exact date as yet, but we can confirm that Metro Exodus will be hitting PC and consoles in the Autumn of 2018. Confirmed via the Game Awards last night, this announcement comes with a suitably grim and sombre trailer, apparently narrated by series protagonist Artyom's fancy piece, Anna. As the name suggests, the…
NEWS 29 Sep 2017­ by L Coulsen

Shenmue III: The Face of Things to Come

The latest dev diary for Shenmue III gives us a quick look at how facial animations are coming along. Almost certainly done in response to comments made after the previous video showed everyone looking a tad lifeless and wooden. They're still a little rough around the edges to be sure, but there's definitely progress being…
REVIEWS 23 Sep 2017­ by L Coulsen

Agents of Mayhem

Volition and I have quite the storied history. Pretty much every game they’ve ever made ranks itself as a member of my personal collection, with the majority sitting firm and resolute among my favourites list. So, of course, when I heard they were working on a new title, my interest was piqued. Though, honestly, I…

Shenmue III Shows off its New Duds

Yes friends, it is here, finally. We have a look at what Shenmue III will actually look like, as a game. Courtesy of some footage taken from a still in development build of the game. It shows mostly Ryo and Shenhua in some sweeping shots, but also seems to have direct, in game footage of…

Shenmue III to be Published by Deep Silver

Because Deep Silver clearly haven't published enough games, today we can confirm that they are working with Ys Net to bring Shenmue III to all the eager gamers who want to know where sailors hang out. The below press release focuses mainly on the PlayStation 4, which makes sense since that will see a more…
GAME PROFILE 17 Aug 2017 by Jay

Shenmue 3

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Agents Of Mayhem Launch Trailer

You guys remember Volition right? They made that little game series about gangsters, insurance fraud and moral choices like punching a dude or punching a dude in the balls. We've got to admit, it's a pretty tough choice. You may be happy to know that that spirit of uh... mayhem has carried over into their…

Monday Brings the Final Members of MAYHEM

The final members to fill out the Agents of Mayhem's roster have been revealed today thanks to the latest action-packed 'Carnage-A-Trois' trailer from Deep Silver Volition. The ex-military master tactician, Braddock, the elite Russian 'cold-warrior' known as Yeti, and everyone's favorite heavy-weapon specialist roller-derby girl, Daisy, are the final sadistic members of MAYHEM! More than…
GAME PROFILE 27 Jul 2017 by Hendrik

Metro Exodus

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Monster Magnum Sized MAYHEM Trailer

Deep Silver's upcoming open-world, third-person-action-shooter, Agents of MAYHEM, is showing off just how snazzy it is to rock a nice Hawaiian shirt & mustache combo. The new 'Magnum Sized Action' trailer is channeling their inner most Mangum P.I. as we see Gat (of Saint's Row fame) pulling off his best Tom Selleck impersonation. Suffice it…

Agents of Mayhem Bombshells!

Deep Silver and Volition's single-player open-world action game, Agents of Mayhem, has given us all a quick look at the most explosive trio in the game. Joule, Rama and Redcard, aka The Bombshells, are a dangerous group to be messing with; a master programming engineer, the world's foremost immunologist and a footie obsessed lunatic. Check out…