What Is Destiny 2?

At this point we all know Destiny 2 is coming 6 September 2017, just over a week away. The beta's already started for PC pre-orders and kicks off in just a few hours for everyone else. But what is it? Well, if you don't know by now you must be living under a rock. The…

Destiny 2 Beta PC Pre-loads Start Today

Now that you've met bird fancier Hawthorn (wonder if the Falcon has ever pooped on her hand,) lets get to the real news: Destiny 2's PC beta will become available for pre-load from 6PM BST today. To partake you'll need the Battle.Net client from Blizzard, also an account for said service. Pre-order players can start playing…

Call Of Duty WW2 Headquarters Revealed

We have to admit, we're a little surprised that there's more to do in Call Of Duty WW2's social space than argue with racist 12 year olds over who bummed who's mum last night. That's obviously still what's going to happen but there's some wholesome activities too. You'll be able to take part in a…

Destiny 2 Official Launch Trailer

Bungie have released the official launch trailer for Destiny 2 showing the aftermath of the war with the Cabal in which the Tower, the social hub/city from the first game was taken from humanity. We can see that new big-bad Ghaul has The Speaker in a bit of a bind and Exo Cayde has apparently…

Destiny 2 Release And Beta Dates For PC

We know you didn't skip the trailer to read this time, that video's just too tempting. What you've just seen is the official PC beta trailer and if you stayed until the end you'll have learned that the Destiny 2 open beta for PC players starts on 29 August 2017 over on Battle.Net – Blizzard's gaming…
NEWS 15 Aug 2017­ by Jay Shaw

Call Of Duty WW2 Multiplayer Private Beta Skips PC

Rejoice console peasants! We, your glorious PC master race are generous gods! We have forsaken our role in beta testing Call Of Duty WW2 to allow you, the unwashed, cabbage scented masses wallowing in your analogue stick fields a chance to experience the excitement we have known since time immemorial. That's right, young triangle-button farmer!…

Destiny 2’s Multiplayer Wants You to Push the Tempo

Destiny 2 is slowly getting ready for launch, the hype train is leaving the station, and Activision today are showing off some sweet multiplayer action. With Fatboy Slim providing the beats and low-payed interns (probably), choreographed action, the trailer lets you feel like an unstoppable MVP. Don’t get used to it thought. Unless you’re the…

Destiny 2 Coldheart Pre-Order Trailer

Accompanied by a very fitting 90’s hit, Ice Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice, Destiny 2 introduces its pre-order bonus in a form of an exotic trace rifle – Coldheart. So come October 24th, PC version release date, dance to the rhythm of Mr. Vanilla while freezing the hell of your enemies.

Call of Duty: WWII’s Nazi Zombies Trailer Debut

During this year's San Diago Comic-Con, Activision took to the stage with a star studded cast to premiere to the world our first glimpse into the horror-fueled Nazi Zombies Co-Op mode from the upcoming latest entry into the never-ending Call of Duty franchise, which is returning to it's World War II roots in Call of…

Infinite Warfare Absolution DLC Details

Infinity War and Activision's critically acclaimed futuristic multiplayer FPS, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, will be releasing its third DLC map pack... with a catch. The Absolution DLC brings with it four new diverse multiplayer maps and the exciting new Zombies co-op experience set in the 1950s titled, "Attack of the Radioactive Thing!". Oh, remember…
ANNOUNCEMENT 18 May 2017­ by Max Halcomb

Call of Duty: Zombie Chronicles Gameplay Trailer Reveal

Here’s a treat for the Call of Duty Zombie fans out there. The Zombie Chronicles DLC brings 8 previously released Zombie maps to Black Ops III, remastered and updated to fit the Black Ops III setting. The DLC includes Nacht der Untoten, Verrückt, Shi No Numa, Kino Der Toten, Ascension, Shangri-La, Moon and Origins. It…
NEWS 18 May 2017­ by David Pink

New Destiny 2 Details Revealed

Destiny fans rejoice! Today's live-stream detailing the second entry into the mega popular Bungie developed franchise has given us some new information, the most exciting bit being that, of course, our own beloved PC platform won't be pushed aside this time around, and that Destiny 2 will be coming to PC via Blizzard's Launcher and also for modern consoles…
NEWS 09 May 2017­ by Kyle Johnson

Chronicling the Baffling World of Black Ops 3’s Zombie…

Confirming rumors and leaks from late April, Activision has announced Call of Duty: Black Ops III Zombies Chronicles, an anthology of maps from previous Call of Duty games. Featuring three maps from World at War, four maps from Black Ops, and one map from Black Ops II. Zombies Chronicles offers up the entire mind-bending, utterly confusing…
NEWS 26 Apr 2017­ by Kyle Johnson

A Mighty Endeavor: Call of Duty Returns to World War 2

Call of Duty: WW2 has been revealed today, bringing with it major changes, and a fresh direction for the franchise. Beginning with a quote from former President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and his D-Day Prayer, Call of Duty: WW2’s trailer shows only a brief, tantalizing glimpse of the campaign, but it’s enough to at least suggest…