Prey: Mooncrash – Typhon Hunter Mode Releasing Next Week

The final update to Prey: Mooncrash will be releasing next week and includes a Prop Hunt style multiplayer mode and TranStar VR, a single-player VR escape room style campaign. These new modes will be free for owners of the digital deluxe and Mooncrash versions of the game. Typhon Hunter will be releasing on 11 December…

Prey Trial Now Available

Space station based stealth-horror-exploration-RPG-thing Prey has today received a trial on PC. No, that doesn't mean it nicked something from the corner shop and got caught. It means that, unlike a demo which is usually a small chunk of the game, you get a trial chunk of time with the full game where you can…
ANNOUNCEMENT 03 May 2017­ by K-putt

Prey is Almost Here!

I still remember that old Prey 2 CGI trailer from Blur Studio back in 2011 and worrying after the news that it was cancelled, would we ever get another Prey game in our sweaty hands? Luckily, I was wrong. Arkane Studios and Bethesda teamed up to finally give Prey another chance. Will it take its chance seriously?…
ANNOUNCEMENT 05 Apr 2017­ by K-putt

Prey’s Go-Go-Gadgets and Weapons

Gelloform Lettuce Organism Obstructor, TS-QPB-S11 Quasiparticle Beam, Recycler Charge, a Psychoscope and some Typhon Lures, oh boy! All these things sound too good to be true? Well you’re wrong! They’re very real, and you can use them in this very virtual and unrealistic game called Prey. Who doesn’t want to lure some aliens into a…
ANNOUNCEMENT 29 Mar 2017­ by K-putt

Prey’s Playing with Some Powers

It's almost as if they gave us a new Prey trailer just yesterday...oh, yep, they actually did (gasp!), something tells me there will be another one tomorrow too, who knows?! Today, however, they go a bit more in-depth into the Typhon powers, lots of gameplay, lots of dead aliens and lots of shooty-shooot-bang-bang, and at…
ANNOUNCEMENT 28 Mar 2017­ by K-putt

The Weapons and Powers of Prey

What's a week without a Prey video, eh? With the latest and greatest today comes this weeks newest trailer for Prey, titled "Weapon and Power Combos". Not sure if I've ever seen the weaponry or the many powers of Prey before today, but it looks way more interesting than I initially have imagined. You'll have an…
NEWS 25 Mar 2017­ by K-putt

Prey That Yu Can Save The World

You are Morgan Yu, and you're mankind's last hope! You don't know who you are, you don't know why you're on the space station, you have the power of plasmids...I mean, weird alien powers, and you want to find out what's actually going on. So many questions, hopefully you'll find some answers in Prey's new video.…
ANNOUNCEMENT 16 Mar 2017­ by K-putt

Prey’s Typhon Guide

Arkane Studios released a new video for Prey from the archives of the TranStar Corporation, within we hear some glitchy voice telling us about all sorts of Alien variations and their varying super powers. In the recent blog-post on, they go more in-depth into the various design decisions of those Typhons, while trying to…
ANNOUNCEMENT 23 Feb 2017­ by K-putt

Prey’s Mimic Madness Highlight Trailer

I have to admit, I've been trying to be absent in regards to watching Prey footage up until now, and after seeing this I would have to assume it's some kind of AAA prop hunt like game. Luckely, it's just one of the many powers that you'll have at your disposal. Possessing a carpet or a…
ANNOUNCEMENT 25 Jan 2017­ by Simon Sirmenis

Prey Gets a Release Date and a New Trailer

It’s been a while since we heard from Arkane and Bethesday about Prey, the two companies recently were mostly focused on Dishonored 2 and the issues that followed its release, but today they spilled the beans on the release date. On May 5th, in the rebooted franchise, we will be exploring the derelict space station…
ANNOUNCEMENT 02 Dec 2016­ by Jordan Fong

8 Minutes of Prey, the Arcane Way

Go to space, they said. It’ll be fun, they said. Turns out things aren’t really going well in space. The Talos I has be taken over by the alien species known as Typhon, and what better way to handle such a threat than have the developers of Prey itself show you how to do it.…
ANNOUNCEMENT 19 Oct 2016­ by Jordan Fong

Do You Hunt for Prey, or Are You the Prey?

We know about the Talos I now, we’ve been watching Prey’s progress since E3 this year, but we don’t quite know what it is. A research and development station sure, but was it always that way? The short answer is no. The slightly longer answer is that it was actually the Russian satellite Vorona I.…
ANNOUNCEMENT 11 Oct 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Meet Prey’s Female Morgan Yu

Yu know what they say, just be yourself. Stilted puns aside, Arkane Studios is giving players of the new Prey game the option to play through the story as a man or as a woman. In a recent blog post, Content Lead Gary Steinman outlines the fact that while the story will not change depending…
ANNOUNCEMENT 10 Sep 2016­ by Jordan Fong

Take a Tour of Prey’s Talos I

Welcome to Prey. Taking place in an alternate future of 2032 where Kennedy wasn’t assassinated, the space age took hold early, and earth’s interest in the far reaches of space were strong. Here we’re presented a small glimpse of Talos I and the horrors that beset Morgan Yu’s future. Talos I is a space station…