DOOM – Update 6.66 Trailer

Fashionably late, today Bethesda released a trailer for the recently release DOOM Update 6.66. While this update mainly focuses on MP, about which very few of us actually care, it makes the previously buy-to-play DLC free, and free stuff is always appreciated. If you are interested in the update, please check out our previous Update…

Take a Trip to Hell With DOOM’s 6.66 Update

Bethesda's wildly popular, frantic fast-paced, demon-killing FPS of 2016, DOOM, is heading back to Hell with tomorrow's release of the aptly titled 'Update 6.66'. Boasting a hellish amount of general improvements, game tweaks, SnapMap fixes, various multiplayer features, a Free Trial Weekend, and last but not least, slashing the games base price by over 50…
NEWS 14 Dec 2016­ by Max Halcomb

DOOM Spills Some Blood in Latest DLC

Bloodfall, the third and final, major DLC for DOOM has been released. Also starting now is a Double XP weekend event for the Multiplayer portion of DOOM that starts at 5:00 GMT on December 19th. Check down below for the patch notes of today's newest DLC, and hit up the trailer above for a quick…
ANNOUNCEMENT 08 Dec 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

DOOM Drops DRM, Brings Bots Instead

DOOM received an update recently, and it’s a good one. The 5th free update, besides adding the usual stuff like new skins/armour, game modes, SnapMap modules and bug fixes, is Bringing back the Bots. This is surely to increase the longevity of the title, as well as bringing reassurance that even if the multiplayer dies off,…
ANNOUNCEMENT 27 Oct 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

DOOM Got Hell Followed

Bethesda and id released the second payed multiplayer DLC for DOOM – Hell Followed. The latest pack lets you fight in space, gorge or a cave; gives a demonic Hivehand; adds an ability to wall-hack; gives a chance to play as a floating meatball; and includes some vanity items. If you think that all this…
ANNOUNCEMENT 19 Oct 2016­ by David Pink

DOOM Update 4 Brings Back the Nostalgia

Bethesda and id Software have released a massive update today for all owners of DOOM. This 11GB free update is packed with all kinds of glorious gory goodies that should excite even the most badass demon hunter out there. DOOM’s much anticipated Arcade Mode for the single-player campaign converts the already hectic blood bath action…
ANNOUNCEMENT 09 Sep 2016­ by David Pink

DOOM Deathmatch Mayhem

Id Software are pleased to announce the upcoming FREE multiplayer content update coming to their critically acclaimed, blood soaked, demonic killing smash hit, DOOM. Later this month all owners of the game will see this gloriously free update downloading on their gaming platform of choice. So just what’s inside the newest content update coming from…
ANNOUNCEMENT 31 Jul 2016­ by David Pink

DOOM’s Big Update and DLC

Bethesda and id Software has released an exciting teaser trailer for DOOM’s first premium DLC coming August 5th, Unto The Evil, as well as showing off some of the content available from their 2nd free content update. On top of the huge update yesterday, players have a weekend full of carnage and mayhem ahead of…
ANNOUNCEMENT 11 May 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

What DOOM Is All About

Even though DOOM is almost here Bethesda can’t stop teasing us. They released a new trailer called “Guns, Demons, Speed” where they talk about...guns, demons and speed. Well there are few more details like weapon and character upgrades, melee kills and the flow of the game but other than that trailer title describes it pretty…
ANNOUNCEMENT 06 May 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

DOOM Launch Trailer and Details

With exactly a week to go we already have a DOOM launch trailer. Here you can see out trusty protagonist, the Doomguy, inflict a lot of pain to the hell spawn and monsters. If you weren’t excited for the game, this should really help. Along with the new trailer we also got some fresh info.…
ANNOUNCEMENT 03 May 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

DOOM SnapMap in Action

If you enjoyed DOOM’s single player preview stream from Bethesda then we have some good news, the guys there did another stream just this time featuring SnapMap. SnapMap is an ingame tool, replacement level editor where people will be able to create levels on PC and consoles alike. Apparently it is quite a capable thing…
ANNOUNCEMENT 28 Apr 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

DOOMed for an Hour

Bethesda did a stream of the single player portion of DOOM. They showed off mostly early Mars as well as Hell levels and explained a lot of mechanics as well as design decision behind the game. If you have an interest in DOOM do spare an hour for the lengthy video as it is informative…
ANNOUNCEMENT 12 Apr 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

Get Ready to DOOM

DOOM open beta is almost upon us, just two days to go. In this grand occasion Bethesda released a trailer to, depending if you participated in the closed beta or no, remind, or tease what’s to be on show. The trailer speaks for itself, the game is very hectic and fast paced, and unless you’re…
ANNOUNCEMENT 06 Apr 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

DOOM Post-Launch Plans

It’s not surprising these days to hear about DLC and Season Pass’ before the games are even out and DOOM is keeping the trend going. Bethesda just announced that DOOM will be receiving “premium” guns, maps and daemons after the game is out. What is surprising though is that this content is planned alongside SnapMap…