Sniper Elite 4 ‘Deathstorm’ Finale Coming Soon

Rebellion's latest iteration of their much beloved Sniper Elite franchise is preparing itself for war... World War 2 that is. Not since the 2012 released Sniper Elite V2 has Rebellion set foot back on Hitler's old stomping grounds. With the final chapter of Deathstorm coming to a close with Part 3: Obliteration, we're all heading…
ANNOUNCEMENT 18 Mar 2017­ by Max Halcomb

Sniper Elite 4 Gets Its First Story Expansion

Here's a surprise for Sniper Elite fans, the first story expansion for Sniper Elite 4 is out next week. Deathstorm, the first premium story expansion releases on March 21. This mission is set after the events of the main game and pits Karl Fairburne against the Nazis and the Manhattan Project. In addition to Deathstorm,…
ANNOUNCEMENT 31 Jan 2017­ by Simon Sirmenis

The 101 of Sniper Elite 4

In what is becoming a trend, Rebellion have released a new 101 video for the upcoming Sniper Elite 4. The narrator takes us through the basics, all the way through Campaign, Combat, Enemies, Weapons and Multiplayer. Unsurprisingly SE4 is going to be bigger and better than any previous Sniper Elite game. Due to the timing…
ANNOUNCEMENT 13 Dec 2016­ by Max Halcomb

Sniper Elite 4’s Target Führer Reveal Trailer

Well folks, the newest Sniper Elite is fast approaching, and what has become a staple of the series, the 'Target Führer' special mission, gives us yet another chance at taking the affable Mr. Hitler out to pasture. With a newer version of the Asura engine, that powered Sniper Elite 3, you will be able to…
ANNOUNCEMENT 06 Dec 2016­ by David Pink

Sniper Elite 4 First Story Trailer Revealed

Were you growing weary of not seeing much about Rebellion’s upcoming sequel to the award winning Sniper Elite franchise? Well, park your keister right here and stay awhile, cause' I got some news for you! Earlier today, Rebellion released the first ever story trailer for Sniper Elite 4. The first in a series of upcoming story…
NEWS 20 Sep 2016­ by David Pink

Sniper Elite 4 Gameplay Trailer Debut

The developers behind the critically acclaimed and award winning Sniper Elite franchise, Rebellion, have just released the world exclusive debut trailer featuring gameplay from their upcoming sequel, Sniper Elite 4. This brutally realistic and visceral tactical third-person, stealth-action, WWII shooter comes packed with plenty of improvements and additional features from its earlier installments, as well…
NEWS 07 Mar 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

Sniper Elite 4 Announced

Rebellion just came out announcing that we are going to see Sniper Elite 4 this year. In Sniper Elite 3 we sneaked around in Africa taking out the Nazis and sabotaging facilities enabling the Allied forces kick the Afrika Korps out of the continent. The latest entry is going to follow up right where SE3…