NEWS 18 Aug 2017­ by Jay Shaw

Deploy Countermeasures Massive Everspace Update Incoming

Fast paced space combat rogue-like Everspace is all set to receive a massive update that's set to improve functionality. Major inclusions in the update are a hardcore mode, HOTAS (Hands On Throttle And Stick – fully customizable,) and TrackIR support. HOTAS is notable because the stretch goal for its inclusion was not reached but developer…
NEWS 18 Aug 2017­ by Jay Shaw

Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite Story Trailer and Features Confirm…

We've all loved watching the Marvel and Capcom rosters beat the ever lovin' stuff out of each-other for years. There's so many cool match-ups to make; can Mega Man take Iron Man? Ryu vs Captain America? That weird cactus man vs the character select menu? It's like a playground argument in videogame form and it's…